1 Corinthians 14:40
Whenever there is no order, things start to fall apart. Many of us are hurting because we are out of order.
When a lawyer starts getting too rowdy or stating things out of conduct, the judge says “You are Out of Order” and the lawyer gets their act right. When we don’t speak to things that are out of order in our lives as they happen, that is when things become chaotic and get out of control. We have authority to stop chaos while it’s brewing. Why is it that we wait until things get out of control before we try to do or say anything and then cry to God to receive power that was already in us to begin with.
I encourage you to acknowledge when things are getting out of order, pray to God for guidance and allow Him to order your steps and your tongue to speak over things that are out of order. Even when we begin to think negative, say to yourself “mind, you are out of order!”. When friends do wrong in your presence, say to them with love “Friend, you are out of order”. It’s time to align with God. Satan does not make us say or do anything, but he temps us and feeds into that negativity. If we kill chaos from the start, he can’t water the weeds that were trying to grow around us.
Desieray N. Brown