Announcements March 21 ~ March 27

Announcements ~ March 21, 2021


Everyone is asked to join in live for Wed.

Meat Lovers Bible Study. 7 pm– Adults & 6 pm Youth

Zoom Interactive register at 

 Weekly prayer join us Every Friday @ 11:00am  call in to 563-999-2090 code 809119#


NMBF PC Schedule for March and Upcoming Events

All of NMBF PC is requested to attend.


Thank you to all who were able to attend the leadership meeting phase 1 (roll call).  A text message was sent out by DOT Dowell if you did not get it make sure he has your number. If you were unable to attend please

ensure that you connect with Bishop or Pastor Slater directly


Thank you to all who were able to attend, sponsor or help at the

Spring Break Camp in partnership with Jordan Ministries. 

It was a great blessing to all

Sis. Lisa Scales


NMBF PC ~ Leadership Training Conference

Postponed until April.

Bishop and Pastor Slater


NMBF PC ~ Youth Ministry

Servant Help is needed

Resurrection Sunday will be here on Sunday, April 4, 2021.

Please bring 2 bags of candy individually wrapped only. Only candy please.

Please bring on or before Palm Sunday on March 28, 2021

Youth Director Lisa Scales


If you are still paying your 20th Founders Day and Church

Anniversary, please do so, and make sure it is marked




We love you dearly and a fist  bump shows it clearly…Stay Blessed 


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