Out of Order
1 Corinthians 14:40
Whenever there is no order, things start to fall apart. Many of us are hurting because we are out of order.
When a lawyer starts getting too rowdy or stating things out of conduct, the judge says “You are Out of Order” and the lawyer gets their act right. When we don’t speak to things that are out of order in our lives as they happen, that is when things become chaotic and get out of control. We have authority to stop chaos while it’s brewing. Why is it that we wait until things get out of control before we try to do or say anything and then cry to God to receive power that was already in us to begin with.
I encourage you to acknowledge when things are getting out of order, pray to God for guidance and allow Him to order your steps and your tongue to speak over things that are out of order. Even when we begin to think negative, say to yourself “mind, you are out of order!”. When friends do wrong in your presence, say to them with love “Friend, you are out of order”. It’s time to align with God. Satan does not make us say or do anything, but he temps us and feeds into that negativity. If we kill chaos from the start, he can’t water the weeds that were trying to grow around us.
Desieray N. Brown
Destroy Every Chain
We have all heard of the expression Break Every Chain, right? Church jargon sounds good to get an Amen, but what happens when we break chains and they bound us right back in bondage? Broken things can be fixed. What we need to say is Destroy Every Chain, because destroyed things cannot be restored. The righteous burn bridges from our past and people that have been toxic for us… we don’t just put up a sign that says Broken or Out of Order on that bridge because those people can still find a way across back into your life.
The modern day chains that we may experience can come in a variety of forms. It might be an addiction, a lazy attitude or a failure to forgive. When we just break chains, a person or fleshly desire that we allow back into our lives can be the link that bonds back those things you claimed to be broken free from.
I encourage you to be strong enough to let certain toxic people go and be stronger than any addition, past experience or generational curse that keeps you from Christ. Destroy that thing that is hindering you. Once you destroy it and not look back, you will grow in Christ and truly be made free.
Luke 9:62 Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”
Desieray N. Brown
Silence & Solitude
Shhhh!!! God’s trying to tell you something!!
Remain silent and Trust in God. God wants us to hear Him and we can only do so when we are in tune with Him. We can only be in tune with God in the spirit. If we are not silent, we will miss what God is trying to tell us.
Isaiah 30:15 New International Version (NIV)
15 This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says:
“In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength,
but you would have none of it.
The scripture means, once you repent.. you will gain rest. Repent means to turn away from your wicked ways.
When you are quiet, you’re able to understand God. When you understand God, you are able to Trust Him more. If we fail to repent and be quiet, we will fail in the area God is trying to grow us in. Psalms 39:1 says take heed of your ways.
I encourage everyone to remember life is but a breath compared to God. Don’t allow flesh to be louder than your spirit. Be loud in our actions that are pleasing to God.
Song of the Day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQ8XkY6Too0 J Please listen J
Delight Yourself In The Lord
Why is it that we forget the first part of this scripture? It says we must Take Delight in the Lord (our action) and is followed by a blessing (God’s reaction). What actions are you showing God? Sometimes we blame a blameless God, but the things that we lack in life are because of our own lack or downfall. We give the enemy too much credit. Even when Job experienced so much turmoil, he still gave God praise and received double of what he has lost. I encourage you to take delight in the Lord at all times and watch how He will reward you.
Take it even farther by sharing the goodness of God after he has blessed you to encourage someone else.
Song of the Day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwUoypd-SKE
Prayer Bullets of Faith
Mustard Seed Faith is explained to move a mountain in Matthew 17:20, but what we fail to realize is that it is only one mountain that mustard seed faith can move and our lives have many mountains. Mustard seed faith is the minimum requirement, but we must still tell the enemy “Touch Not My anointing” regardless of how small our faith is. I encourage you to increase your faith by reloading when we become empty after one trial.
Recently, I watched a movie where guys were shooting and on the first shootout, they won because they kept reloading their guns. The second shootout was not as successful because they did not reload. We must reload or the enemy will kill us. We believe that the bare minimum requirement is enough, but what happens when you run out of faith? We feel defeated. We must rely on God and reload in prayer. Continue to read His Word, Trust God and Do what the Word says.
Rhythm of Your Miracle
Philippians 1:6 “…. being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus”.
God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness, but nobody wants to be weak. “New levels, New Devils” sounds good in church until that devil peeks his head out on us and we wonder if we really have what it takes to be blessed. Many of us would rather let go of the miracle than fight for it. If we are honest, there is a part of us that thought we didn’t deserve it in the first place. We settle for mediocrity and we are popular in it instead of demanding what you need. You must have faith when everyone else gives up. We will be better on the other side of this. Problems are the illness, but Jesus is the antidote. The point of getting Immunizations does not mean we won’t get sick. It means that the sickness won’t kill us. If God called you to it, He will see you through it. It’s not about what you’re up against, it’s about who you’re becoming in the process. There is a miracle inside of you and if you can get in touch with the miracle inside of you, you wouldn’t be afraid of the obstacle around you. There is a rhythm inside of you… it’s your heartbeat. It’s God telling you that your miracle is not done yet. I encourage you to stop having a funeral for something that God is trying to Resurrect. Your miracle may look dead, but we must fight those fleshly insecurities and the thoughts of others that influence you to plan funerals to your destiny. God wants to change you, not your situation. You’ve been called to move forward and evolve to the better version that God has anointed us to be! |
Sufferings not worth Comparing
It’s funny how afflictions open our eyes. We needed that place of bondage to recognize our way out. There is a blessing in affliction, because things that are hard in life makes you stronger and who you are. Man’s punishment does not override God’s Promise. God will use a Pharaoh in your life to point you in the right direction. Stop regretting what we think we lost while we were in bondage. I pray there is an understanding that God is not just making you go through afflictions and problems and to have clarity over any issue or struggle. You are a part of the righteousness of God. Dare to believe that you are a part of a master plan. He will turn this problem around so you can obtain the promise.
Some people are so high off of the promise in one area of their life, that they ignore the problems in the other area of their life. You must address the problem. Let God solve the problems that you are ignoring. Romans 8:28 reminds us that “ALL things work together for the good of them who love Him… “ that means the problems as well. It’s time to see the Glory that is greater than our sufferings.
I Won’t Complain
Philippians 2:14
“Do all things without murmurings and disputings:”
It’s so easy to complain when we can’t recognize what we are standing under. If you are following the Son of God, now He can take you to the next steps. We must stand under the Holy Ghost and not fear, situations or our past. Some of us are quick to stand under fear, doubt and confusion, but they are not of God. Understand that God has already worked it out. Surrender and confront the struggle so it can change the way you think and operate. When we do so, the Spirit of the living God will sustain you. We want the position, but not the opposition and God has to show us that the only way to the position is to go through opposition. He will touch everything connected to you.
Recognize you are under God’s covering. Don’t just complain about the things going wrong in your life. Share how God brought you out, how He restored you and healed you! Speak up over your situation in the name of Jesus. Demons tremble when we speak up and rejoice in the name of Jesus. It’s easy to say we trust God and know the Word of God, but it’s another thing to actually live His Word and do What the Word says. When we truly surrender to God and give Him our cares, only at that time He can handle them for us.
I encourage you to truly Let Go of your fears, worry, doubt or issues. Give it to God and watch Him turn opposition in miracles.
Song of the Day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZ_V5Jdoy2g
Desieray N. Brown
Preview YouTube video “I WON’T COMPLAIN” REV.PAUL JONES (Extended Version) Praise Break
“I WON’T COMPLAIN” REV.PAUL JONES (Extended Version) Praise Break
Trust God in the Battle
In 2 Chronicles 20, Jehosephat was called to battle. He was a good king who made right decisions and knew what to pray… until he aligned with someone who believed differently than him. They pulled him down instead of him pulling them up. In the middle of the fight, he remembered he wasn’t in the battle by himself and he cried out to God .
Sometimes we engage in battles that we don’t need to be in. There is a way we can fight and we don’t even have to move at all. We can be still and not say a word because angels are moving on our behalf. Sometimes we get in battles we shouldn’t have been in, but God is still with us in the battle. Our cries have power and our breakthroughs won’t happen until we open our mouth and admit that we don’t know what we are doing. He can tap into what is depressing us, shrinking us and breaking us down. Jehosephat was living the right way and battle came to him. When battles come to you , you have a decision to make and that is to Trust God. Trust God to show you what you need to know in this battle.
2 Chronicles 20:15 …..This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.
This battle is not about YOU! It is about what God is doing on the inside of you. STOP asking why me… It’s about God and how He can overflow and increase inside of you. When the Holy Spirit dwells inside of you, you fight differently.
You can’t ignore the attacks when you have the power to end them. Go down and attack. Go down against fear.
2 Chronicles 20:22 As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.
It’s something about Praise and Worship that send ambushes to the enemy. Praise and Worship must compete with your brokenness. I encourage for you to pray that God kills anything that is inside of you that would go to war with the destiny inside of you.
Be still while you are fighting. Verse 25 proves that you don’t even have to get your hands dirty. The treasure is waiting for you when the ambush is over. Praise during the ambush and recognize that this is the right way to fight.
Song of the Day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lN26jw53c0M
Desieray N. Brown