Announcements June 11 ~ June 17

Everyone is asked to join in live for Wed.

Meat Lovers Bible Study. 7 pm– Adults 

 Weekly prayer join us Every Friday @ 11:00am  call in to

857-357-0254 code 809119#


NMBF PC Schedule for June and Upcoming Events

All of NMBF PC is requested to attend.


Thank you for your Prayers for Bishop J. Lee Slater

we are asking for your continuous Prayer as he recovers.

Pastor Donna Slater


Thank you to all who attended, worshipped, praised and served at Tent Revival with

Dallas International Street Church, lives were touched as the

Word was poured into the community. Bishop and Pastor Slater


Men, please sign up for the Father’s Day Brunch @ 11:00 AM,

before Saturday June 17, 2023, Elder Lisa Scales


Directors Meeting

Sunday June 25,2023 @ 1pm

Immediately following morning worship

Bishop and Pastor Slater


NMBF PC ~ Women’s Conference

July 15, 2023@ 9:00 AM

Olde. House—415 North Ballard Ave., Wiley, TX 75098

Pastor Slater will be the Main Speaker  registration fee of $60


NMBF PC Youth Ministry

If you would like to be a part of the 2023 Youth Gospel Explosion

August 3-5, 2023 please see Elder Lisa Scales after morning service.


Sunday School held every Sunday at NMBF PC.

@ 9:00 AM classes will be held for Adults Men , Women and Youths.

Associate Pastor Carmen Espy


Unrestricted Praise (Mime Team)

Fine Arts is rekindling the Unrestricted Praise Mime Team 

and it is open to all ages.  You are welcome to sign up today.

Associate Pastors Alice Guthrie


NMBF PC~ Youth Ministry

Youth Church School will be held every 2nd and 4th Sunday.

All youth are invited  and a lite snack will be served.

Elder Lisa Scales


You Matter,  We Care, GOD Provides.

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