Everyone is asked to join in live for Wed.
Weekly prayer join us Every Friday @ 11:00am call in to
857-357-0254 code 809119#
NMBF PC Schedule for October and Upcoming Events
All of NMBF PC is requested to attend.
NMBF PC~ Founder’s Day 2023 @ 3:00 PM
The love offerings are the same for each partner.
All partners are requested to bless with a
love offering of $200 per partner.
Ministry Goals – if you are a part of one or more ministries
support them all with a one time gift of $100
NMBF-PC Outreach Flyer Distribution
Saturday, October 21st from 10a-12p
We will pass out flyers with our upcoming Alzheimer’s
and Harvest Fest events on them, and offer prayer in the community.
Associate Pastor K. Waldon
NMBF PC ~ Outreach
Pleasant Grove Ministerial Alliance present “A Time To Remember”
A community conversation on Alzheimer’s. Held at NMBF PC
October 28 and November 11 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM Register (214-489-0100)
NMBF PC ~ Outreach
Heavenly Fall Fest –October 31, 2023, 7 to 9 pm
Please bring bags of individually wrapped candy, small individually wrapped
cakes for the cake walk. We need servants to set up, take down and run
game tables. If you are able to help please see
Associate Pastor Waldon and Elder Lisa Scales for donations.
RAW: Real Authentic Worship
Every second Friday night at 7:30 pm Nov. 10, 2023 at
NMBF PC, 9026 Elam Road, Dallas TX 75217
Bishop and Pastor Slater.
Sunday School held every Sunday at NMBF PC.
@ 9:00 AM classes will be held for Adults Men, Women and Youths.
Associate Pastor Carmen Espy
NMBF PC~ Youth Ministry
Youth Church School will be held every 2nd and 4th Sunday.
All youth are invited and a lite snack will be served.
Elder Lisa Scales
You Matter, We Care, GOD Provides.